Once verified, instant and major prize winners will be contacted via phone and asked to nominate an eligible club that they would like the MILO team to donate $500 to. An eligible club is a non-professional local New Zealand sporting club or team consisting of more than one (1) person that competes in sports such as the following, against other teams: cricket, soccer/football, tennis, swimming, water polo, rugby union, rugby league, basketball, netball, golf, baseball, athletics, futsal, sailing, skiing, badminton, squash (other sporting codes considered at our discretion). Once a club is nominated, we will contact them to undertake an eligibility and approval process. If approved, donations will be made by Nestlé to the eligible club within 30 days of approval. If a club is not deemed eligible or is unable to receive their donation, Nestlé reserves the right to select an alternate club to make the donation to. Full T+Cs for club eligibility can be found here: www.MILO.co.nz/funraiser/termsandconditions